28 November 2016

An interesting site on electronics and some files to print

I’ve been playing with electronics since I was a teenager. From those days, during the fabulous 80’s, there are many things that have changed scientifically in this field. But still some circuit designs can endure the test of time. Such circuits are fine for experimentation for the everyday hobbyist.
Although I had acquired some formal knowledge on electronics and electricity in general as college student, the information I find in some selected sites on the internet is really invaluable. One such site I distinguish is this: Talking Electronics. If you are interested in electronics before the days of Arduino read on...

03 November 2016

AVR Alkaline battery charger

Alkaline battery charger with ATtiny13

After some experimentation, here is the schematic of a design idea for an alkaline battery charger utilizing an AVR ATtiny13 microcontroller. The μC provides trickle charging with adjustable duty cycle and voltage sensing for automatic shut down.

The microcontroller program can be developed, compiled with arduino environment and easily uploaded  to the attiny13 chip with an arduino as ISP.

01 November 2016

Alkaline battery charging ...

Various articles copied from the WEB 

The following articles are copied from the web. Text is left almost as was found apart from translation where needed. The author cannot attest to the functionality of the circuits presented here. Designs and thoughts, presented here, have been used for the developement of a "new" charger design by the author.

Alkaline battery regeneration (Simple circuit 1)


Children's toys devour nowadays tons of battery power. It's heavy for the purse - especially with alkaline batteries. Although these last much longer than the conventional zinc-carbon batteries, they come at a price.